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Over 13,000+ Client all over the world.

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Make communication Fast & efficient.

Our chatbots and live chat capture more info of your best leads and convert them while they’re hot dummy text.

“Our team really feels great to use deski apps specially their quality”

Micle Duke, Product Manager
Uber Inc.

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Friendly user interface & easy to use.

Deski stand with friendly interface with lots of features that help our team and csutomer to collbarate easily.

“Our team really feels great to use deski apps specially their quality”

Micle Duke, Product Manager
Uber Inc.

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What Our Clients Say About Us.

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Copyright @2021 deski inc.

회사명 (주)엔백스
대표이사 조승현
사업자등록번호 358-81-02740
주소 경기도 화성시 동탄역로 160, B3 112호 (롯데백화점, 카이스트 동탄캠퍼스)
Email csh@mew31.com

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